Sustainability is key to EuPIA’s and its members’ activities. Product stewardship is the major pillar of their action, delivering safe and efficient products to use on various substrates and with different print processes.
Due to the application process of printing, a very thin layer of ink is laid down on a relatively thicker substrate and as such previous third-party studies have shown that the relative impact of printing inks is negligible versus the overall printed material footprint.
Nevertheless, EuPIA maintains a programme for Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) conducted by its umbrella organisation CEPE (European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink and Artists’ Colours Industry) to gather its own viewpoint on the LCA of printing inks.
EuPIA has furthermore released statements on the recyclability of products that use inks and the overall environmental impact of printing inks.
Please find below our documents related to sustainability.
Managing and reducing environmental impact is an important feature of EuPIA members’ activities. This information note has been prepared to provide manufacturers, printers and other stakeholders with an overview of the potential effects on the environment along the print chain (printing ink manufacture, printing and the use and disposal of print).
Lubricants made of rapeseed oil, building materials made of wood, packaging materials made of starch or detergents made of sugar … these are just some examples of how renewable raw materials conquer industrially manufactured products.
Also in printing inks their number has been constantly increasing.
EuPIA is dedicated to sustainability. Product stewardship is the major pillar of its action, delivering safe and efficient products to use on various substrates and with different print processes. In this context EuPIA has performed a Life Cycle Assessment to study the footprint of a generic printing ink formulation correctly representing printing inks for all print processes.