Membership offers, amongst many other advantages, the following opportunities:
- To receive early notification of, and opportunities to address issues of common interest
- To take part in and benefit from a tailored market statistics programme
- To attend the Annual EuPIA Conference where key issues of interest are addressed
- To benefit from a wealth of documents providing guidance in areas of common interest
- To receive relevant information on draft legislation both on European and national levels at a very early stage
- To actively participate in working groups and committees of CEPE and EuPIA; active participation in the relevant working groups ensures that a company can contribute to the associations’ position on draft legislation which is the basis for effective advocacy.
Printing ink specific issues are in the remit of EuPIA, which operates under the umbrella of CEPE. All matters of common interest to the paint and printing ink industry are handled in joint committees on CEPE level. The implementation of the requirements of the REACH Regulation is probably one of the most prominent examples of this.
In addition, members are granted access to the extranets of CEPE and EuPIA, which provide a wealth of valuable information exclusively for members. Newsletters and monthly summaries of CEPE’s and EuPIA’s activities inform members, in a concise way, of what is currently going on.
As EuPIA operates under the umbrella of CEPE, the general rules for CEPE membership apply